Out with Record & Replay. In with Component-based testing!

5 common reasons why “Record and Replay” is an outdated approach for automating your tests and why you should consider “Component-based” testing.  

I recently conducted a LinkedIn poll to provide evidence to my argument around why Component-based testing is better than record and replay.  

From the results my plan backfired, even though there was a close call between the two approaches, 50% of the respondents preferred the traditional Record and replay approach.  

Regardless of this loss my argument still stands, the component-based approach will provide you with better value test automation and here’s why: 

  1. Limited test coverage  

Recording a webpage or ERP interface limits you to your recording. This can be frustrating for you, as there is no room to easily modify your test case without having to re-record application.  

Our useMango™ tool takes away that pain by allowing you to construct your test scenarios using our components. In our “Test Library” you have the option to add, remove, edit, adjust and re-use components, allowing you to easily create your tests exactly how you want, without any limitations.  

  1. Low test maintenance  

Recording a test of a webpage or ERP interface is fine if the application remains exactly the same. Webpages change all the time, so one change in the user interface and your existing test is unusable, requiring you to re-record your whole test scenario.  

useMango™  adds a level of convenience by allowing you to select and modify one factor from your component/s, which will automatically change the same component used throughout your test case or multiple tests. This means there is no need to re-do the whole test cases. This modified component can also be used in future test cases you create! 

  1. Limited test complexity  

Record and replay can execute the basic functional tests, such as a log-in/log out scenario. What if you wanted to add some complex test scenarios? 

useMango™ Junction component adds that level of complexity within your test creation. Allowing you to create if and else statements. You can create actions based on certain conditions or whether criteria evaluate true or false. Our Junctions are entirely re-usable too! 

  1. Low quality recordings 

Record and Replay can work your nerve, especially when recordings do not identify important elements on a web application, or when recording capture unnecessary and unwanted elements. This can result in low quality or low value test automation. 

useMango™ takes that stress away by allowing you to easily extract and organise technical information through our Chrome Extension. Select an element, and useMango™ gives you the most appropriate strategy to input into your components. Just like that simple and easy.  

  1. Limited customization  

What if you have a complex application that requires customisation? Some ERP applications have certain customisation for specific organizations.  

useMango™ have what we call “Custom Components” that allow you to have that flexibility. You can create specific or unique test capabilities required for your test cases through doing your own coding. This component can be added to your test cases. 

How did I do? Was I able to convince you? 

Why not try our useMango™ components for your testing by downloading our free trial

This blog was written by Ola Omiyale. Connect with Ola on LinkedIn.

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