To code or not to code? That is the question!

We had the pleasure of speaking at the National Software Testing Conference on the 9th June 2022. In our talk we were exploring the on-going dilemma around coded and code-less or low code/no code test automation. Here is a summary of what we talked about:  

The “make or buy?” question is an issue every company would encounter. In regards, to testing should companies create their own testing framework or buy a testing product off the shelf? 

There are several factors to consider if you are trying to answer this question. We have come up with important factors you should consider before answering this question.  

1. People 

The skillset of your team will determine which test approach you want take. If your team comprises of individuals with a high level of technical ability, a coded solution might be the best fit. With this approach, your team can design their own framework in accordance with their companies existing workflow. 

However, the idea around code-less testing is that everybody can participate in testing activity. So if you have a  team with limited technical ability, a code-less solution will be the best option. You have a complete, tested framework to use straight away. You have set features that are equipped to make your testing practices easier and scalable, saving you money.   

2. Support 

A factor that is not normally mentioned but plays an important factor in determining a testing approach is, support. The benefits of an in-house framework is that you control bug priority. If you found a bug, your team can go ahead and fix it. However, that depends on if you have a dedicated team for these issues. If not, fixing these issues might take a while to fix.  

Most code-less solutions will come with a dedicated support team that will normally walk you through the tool and it’s features. So, if an issue or bug does arise, you can raise a support ticket and you will have a team to fix it. There is no need for tool maintenance or extra resources. 

3. Application under test 

What is the make-up of your application? 

A complex application that rest on “legacy” type technologies may need a certain level of customisation during test creation, which may need coding ability. Having this enables testers the flexibility to change scripts according to an applications needs.  

However, these days ERP and CRM applications are browser-based or actively moving towards that standard technology stack. Therefore a code-less solution would be the best option, it’s faster, scalable and maintainable.  

Round up – a Hybrid approach.  

So far, everything factor has been treated as an either/or instance but there are tools out their can provide a hybrid option.  

UseMango Tool 

useMango is a tool that can support both coded and codeless test automation for users. If you have a mixed group of technical abilities within the team and semi-complex applications, your team have the option to use useMango’s standard components as well as scripted components within your test creation.  

Sounds too good to be true? 

Sign up to our free trial to get you started by clicking here!

This blog was written by Ola Omiyale. Connect with Ola on LinkedIn.

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